e x c e l s i o r 🗝 onward and upward

(…) his furrowed fair eyebrows, his beautiful hands, everything washed out by the furious light. Ronan had memorized the shape of Adam’s hands in particular: the way his thumb jutted awkwardly, boyishly; the roads of the prominent veins across his slender hands (…)”
Essere Adam Parrish era qualcosa di complicato, una meraviglia di muscoli e organi, sinapsi e nervi. Era un miracolo fatto di parti in movimento, un caso di sopravvivenza.
Trees in your eyes. Stars in your heart.
Adam was in the dream, too; he traced the tangled pattern of ink with his finger. He said, "Scio quid hoc est." As he traced it further and further down on the bare skin of Ronan's back, Ronan himself disappeared entirely, and the tattoo got smaller and smaller. It was a Celtic knot the size of a wafer, and then Adam, who had become Kavinsky, said "Scio quid estis vos." He put the tattoo in his mouth and swallowed it.
marta | twentyfour | she/her | libra | slytherin | art major
“You know, he remembered you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky. Oh! The things we used to do to him”
Resse lo sguardo di Ronan per un attimo in più, finché qualcosa dentro Ronan non si sciolse e lui fu quasi sul punto di dire qualcosa.
----"SHE WAS ALL RIGHT," Jesse assured him. "My head knew that," Gansey said. "But the rest of me didn't.”
Quiet e tabelle by Amphetamines' Vietata la copia anche parziale